How exactly do you describe a project idea?

You surely know the problem: Many colleagues have many good ideas. While drinking coffee or in the corridor, you briefly address the idea and everybody is “hooked”. Immediately, it comes to mind: what a good idea for a new project.

After all, you go back to work and hundreds of other tasks want your attention again. So we set new priorities again and the “great idea” falls into oblivion.

Wouldn’t it be much more wise to collect all ideas from the complete staff? Or rather, how exactly do you describe a project idea (demand)?

Certainly you can now set up a large box in the corridor and ask everyone to write down their idea and post it there. But the upcoming manual evaluation of the ideas / demands will surely consume a lot of time.

How do you do it?


1. Rough collection of ideas

1.1 Define targets for demands

First of all, targets for the collection of such demands must be recorded before the implementation. The most important requirement to measure and verify a target should be clarity. In order to clearly and precisely describe a demand, see the SMART criteria for a clear description of targets

KLUSA® – Projekt Idee

Specific – target a specific area for improvement.
Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress.
Assignable – specify who will do it.
Realistic – state what results can realistically be achieved, given available resources.
Time-related – specify when the result(s) can be achieved.

1.2 Methods to collect demands

There are many ways to collect and develop creative demands. We briefly list here some of them without going into detail:

  • Brainstorming with collegues of  your team
  • Mindmapping
  • Internal demand management
  • Software tools

When used, all methods tend to generate demands for a new project that are as creative as possible and subjectively still unweighted.

2. Rating and selecting a demand

The analysis of a demand is done by a steering committee that reviews the demand and its essential key parameters such as (efficiency, project scope and size, ROI, amortization period, etc.). Or, to put it simply, the benefits of the demand are submitted.

The scoring of the demands can be done qualitatively as well as quantitatively. Qualitative criteria of the demands can be given different weights and compared using a benefit analysis.

If a positive decision is made in favor of one or more demands, you can directly create a project from the demand. Data such as cost planning and others can be taken over. When creating a project from a demand, you can use a project template regarding formal requirements.

demand status

With KLUSA, you can plan, control and report projects. To keep the planning effort low, you can use stored templates or process models. For the work breakdown structure, there is a convenient schedule. Working both with tables and graphics is possible with little effort. After initial planning, a baseline can be saved as  reference.

Of course, other necessary entries are available, too. Whether adding a risk, further costs or opportunities for your project, KLUSA serves you with a convenient user interface and a clear dashboard.

Simply start your project now with KLUSA


KLUSA EnterpriseDevelop brilliant demands with KLUSA
Functionalities that support you developing inventive demands in KLUSA

  • Sum up several  demands to one project
  • Provide and classify additional information,
  • Transparent processing states comprehensible for all persons involved.
  • Disapprove (reject) a demand,  create a project out of it or to link the demand to an existing project