30 years project management
We make your business
more planable
more reliable
more profitable
Project implementation with system and phases
We, the OPUS company, handle a wide variety of software development and rollout projects. Thereby the software architects, chief developers, requirements engineering, product management, support and programmers from Munich and Romania have to be coordinated. It is extremely important here that everyone knows what should be ready, how and at what time, so that the goal of timely delivery with the agreed requirements can be achieved. For software development projects, OPUS usually assigns a chief developer, for rollout projects a requirements engineer and for individual software projects a software architect as project manager. We have defined standard milestones with fixed goals and processes, which every project is guided by.
At milestone M20, for example, we agree the complete requirements specification with the customer, and at M30 the customer approves the requirements specification. We have defined fixed phases that are limited by the milestones. This keeps each project comparable. Each team member can immediately see which stage the project is in. For each phase, we have defined a set of work packages with deadlines, responsibilities and activities.
In addition to the internal and external project coordination rounds, a weekly jour fixe of the project management takes place with the management, where the current status of the projects is discussed with the help of the KLUSA controlling and reporting system. The KLUSA management reports and multi-project management overviews are accessed to support this process, and the joint further procedure is coordinated and prioritized. If you are interested in our approach to software development, please contact us. We will be happy to explain it to you in a personal conversation.